Monday, April 23, 2012

baby | 21 weeks

Not much to report this week, but everything is going well and I feel great.  I'm able to feel the baby move quite frequently and wow is she strong!  A few nights ago, we were sitting in bed while watching a show with the laptop on my lap when the baby kicked and jiggled the laptop.  We found that incredibly entertaining. :)

I also haven't thrown up in almost a week never mind, I started writing this last night and I guess I spoke too soon. At least my nausea is now frequently limited to only mornings, a real blessing!  I also feel like I look pregnant enough now that people just assume that I have a baby in there and not just a lot of sandwiches.

Favorite foods lately include: bananas, strawberries, grapefruit, pineapple, cereal, peanut butter, grilled cheese with bacon and avocado, and chicken salad.  I've been figuring out that cold meats like deli turkey (my doctor said that cold turkey and ham are absolutely fine, it's processed meats like bologna, olive loaf, hotdogs, etc. that you need to avoid), bacon and chicken salad don't make me sick like warm/hot meat does. Yay for more protein!  Getting a little more meat in my diet has made it a little easier to gain weight too -- I'm up to almost 3 lbs of weight gain now and it's so encouraging! I've been drinking a ton of milk lately too.  I didn't dislike milk before, but I would rarely just get a glass to drink.  Now I'm drinking several glasses a day!  Along with the milk, cheese and ice cream often sound really good as well.  Baby must need the calcium.

P.S. I'm working on a tutorial for the skirt that I'm wearing in the picture -- I hope to post it soon.  I just need to finish the pattern, but I've never put a pattern online before so there's a lot of trial and error. :)

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