Wednesday, August 10, 2011

I'm Baaaaaaaaaack!

I'm finally home!  Home as in our new apartment in Fort Wayne!  The past few weeks have been a blur of packing, moving, unpacking, flying to Nevada, Brigita's wedding (!!!), getting bumped off my return flight, spending the night in a sweet hotel compliments of United Airlines and ordering room service for the first time in my life (also compliments of United Airlines), finally getting back to Michigan, picking up the last bits of our stuff in Hillsdale, driving HOME to Fort Wayne, and a little more unpacking.  Whew.  Oh yeah, and I started my new job!

A few things (big and small) for which I am thankful:
1) This stop light at the entrance of our new apartment complex.  I have to turn left every day to go to work and I really appreciate having a green arrow every couple minutes instead of having to wait for a rare break in morning commute traffic.
2) All the people that helped us pack up and move.  My mom drove all the way from Nebraska and stayed 5 days to help me unpack, clean, paint, and set up our new home.  Isaac's dad helped us move and arranged for us to borrow two trailers so that we wouldn't have to spend the money to rent a u-haul.  Our dear friends Matt, Julia, and Josh spent countless hours helping us finish up odds and ends and load the two trailers.  Josh actually traveled down to Fort Wayne with us to help us unload as well.  I honestly don't know what we would have done without our friends and family during this move!

3) As much as I love looking for deals and sales, it can be discouraging trying to piece together a nice home on a very small budget.  For example, we really needed a couch and all I wanted was one that wasn't completely hideous.  However, given how small our budget was, hideous was about all we could find.  Until God provided a lovely family that was moving and selling their near perfect condition couch, love seat and chair SET for about half of what people were asking for the hideous couches.  On top of all that, when they found out Isaac was going to be attending the seminary, they offered to store the set for free until we were able to move into our apartment here in Fort Wayne.  Now every time I look at our couch I am reminded of God's faithfulness even in the small, seemingly insignificant, things.

4) More closets then we know what to do with!  Our new apartment has six, that's right, six closets.  A coat closet by the front door, a closet in both bedrooms, a hall closet, a small closet in the bathroom and a linen closet at the end of the hall.  I've never seen so many closets in one place before, it's like they added a closet wherever there happened to be an open space in the wall. :)

Pictures of our new home are coming soon!

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