If you have trouble finding the cream of coconut (like I did), check in the bar supplies section of your grocery store. I spent a good 15 minutes wandering around Kroger looking for cream of coconut because none of the employees had any idea what I was talking about. I thought that it would surely be with the coconut water and oil in the health food section, or even possibly with the condensed milk. But no, it was where I should have looked first (considering the title of this recipe), with the bar supplies.
This cake fulfilled and exceeded my expectations, which were unusually high, because I was really looking forward to this coconuty, pineappley, tropical-escape-in-35 degree-weather, why-isn't-it-warm-outside-yet, cake. Which I'll admit, is a lot of pressure to put on one cake.
*Sorry, no pictures of my actual cake--my camera battery died and I was NOT going to wait for the battery to charge to cut in to this cake!